Today, February 2nd, you are 3 weeks old. You are the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. Your daddy and I can’t stop staring at you and kissing you and telling you how much we love you. Today you outgrew your newborn clothes! You’re getting too long for them, so we’re moving you up to 0-3 month clothes. You are finally long enough to wear the cute fleece outfits I bought you at Baby Gap! And just in time for the Super Bowl, you’re long enough to wear the Jets sleeper that Uncle Jerry gave you (even though the Jets didn’t quite make it to the Super Bowl.)
My favorite thing you’re doing at this stage is stretching when you wake up. Your stretches are the cutest ever! The way you raise your arms over your head (imagine Superman’s arms) and the cute faces you make are adorable. I look forward to seeing you stretch every time I wake you up to eat. You have a really strong neck and strong legs! Its fun to watch you try to stand up. You’re so observant during your wake time. You just look around the room with big wide eyes, taking it all in. We’ve read Guess How Much I Love You and On The Night You Were Born, and Gigi read some books to you, too. She and Papa taught you all your colors last weekend! They sure do love you! They’ve been here with you 8 days of your life and are coming back this weekend. Andre’ loves you, too. He loves to watch you and sniff you, and he sneaks in a lick here and there! You two will be best friends before long!Your daddy and I decided to call you “Little Man.” That’s our nickname for you! You are our little man! So far you have met Elijah and Slayton. These will be some of your best friends growing up! And we can’t wait for you to meet some of your other friends!
Great job on your new blog, Kristen! I enjoyed reading your first posts and seeing the PRECIOUS pictures of Logan. He's so cute! I look forward to being able to catch up on you guys via blogging now. Enjoy that little man and those so cute stretches...that was also my favorite thing Crosby did in the beginning. It's hilarious. :) Can't wait to meet him!