Sunday, March 13, 2011

8 Weeks

Logan is now 8 weeks old. Sometimes it seems as though he was born just yesterday... other times it seems as though he's been a part of our family forever. I hardly remember life before he joined us. He's at such a sweet age right now!

Logan, my favorite things you're doing are cooing and smiling! Your coos are so sweet! And you smile at me in the mornings when you're on your changing table and I talk to you. A few days ago you and I were watching Oprah and Garth Brooks was her guest. I sang along (doing my best Garth impression) to "Friends in Low Places," and you loved it! You tried to sing along with me! It was awesome! You also smile a lot at the elephant that hangs in your play gym. Every time you grab hold of his legs and pull on him, you smile so big!! Its precious! You and I are headed on our first trip to Dallas together later this week. We'll get to visit some of our best friends, Gigi and Papa, and you'll get to meet your great-grandparents for the first time! We'll be flying together, so I'm praying that you'll be in a great mood! Lately we've been taking lots of walks together around the neighborhood. I'm so glad you enjoy that! This weekend we've been hanging out with Uncle Ryan and his fiance' Chelsea. You're going to have a new Aunt in just a few months! She already loves you so much, I can tell! Our family is growing and its a beautiful thing!